Server - Drifting


Just another Covid-19 Lockdown Project


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Covid-19 lockdown project

It started as a way to while away some hours learning coding and Linux. Initially, the intent was for a simple local host to maintain our family tree using webtrees as an alternative to a commercially hosted site. Delays in the release of a webtrees version for PHP 8.0 allowed time to develop the Traffic Survey computer.

The padlock icon in your browser address bar indicates that this site has a working SSL certificate. Cloudflare provides additional security and protection methods. As a result, all interactions with ‘’ are encrypted.

Raspberry Pi (2021 Lockdown Project)

2Gb pi4B+ booting from a SSD instead of the original SD card. The pi operates 24/7 in ‘headless’ mode (no screen, keyboard, or mouse). The pi’s main applications include;

LAMP Server

Linux OS, Apache2 server, MySQL database and PHP8. Hosting this WordPress website.

SAMBA Server

For easy file transfers over the Drift’s LAN with Windows PCs


Acts as a local Domain Name Server (DNS) which blocks advert requests from any device on the local network. Pi-hole has reduced our web traffic by over 20%.